Drunk guys trainers at a bar

Author – Anonymous

It was a typical Friday night at the local bar, the air thick with the scent of alcohol, chatter, and laughter filling every corner of the room. I had just arrived, eager to unwind after a long week at work. As I made my way to the bar to order a drink, I couldn’t help but notice a group of rowdy guys in the corner, clearly already several drinks deep.

Among the group was a particularly intoxicated guy wearing a pair of sleek Nike 270’s trainers. His movements were clumsy and uncoordinated, his words slurring together as he stumbled to the bathroom. Curiosity piqued, I decided to follow him, wondering what trouble he might get himself into next.

I slipped into the bathroom unnoticed and saw the drunk guy stumble into a stall, his trainers visible beneath the door. Without a second thought, I crouched down and reached under the stall, quickly untying the shoelaces of his left shoe. The drunk guy was too distracted by his own state to even notice, giving me the perfect opportunity to yank his shoe off his foot.

Feeling a rush of excitement, I repeated the process on his right shoe, the guy still oblivious to my actions. I couldn’t believe my luck as I held his expensive trainers in my hands, a mischievous grin on my face. But I wasn’t done yet.

With a quick glance around the bathroom, I located the stall next to the drunk guy’s. I slipped inside, taking off my own shoes and setting them aside. Then I smell the inside of his trainers still smelled new and fresh, a stark contrast to the dingy bathroom. I inhaled deeply, the scent of new shoes filling my senses.

I then reached into my backpack, pulling out a fresh pair of socks. I slipped them on, relishing the feeling of clean fabric against my skin. With a sense of satisfaction, I carefully placed my own shoes into my backpack, making room for the stolen trainers. Sliding my feet into the drunk guy’s trainers, I adjusted the lacing to fit comfortably, relishing the feeling of walking in such expensive shoes.

Feeling a thrill unlike any other, I exited the stall and casually made my way out of the bathroom. The drunk guy was still inside, unaware that his prized trainers were now on my feet. I made my way back to the bar, ordering a drink and downing it in one gulp.

As I made my way out of the bar, the stolen trainers snug on my feet, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of exhilaration. The rush of pulling off such a daring heist, the satisfaction of walking in expensive shoes that weren’t mine, it was a feeling I never wanted to end. I made my way home, the stolen trainers now a prized possession in my collection.

And as I drifted off to sleep that night, the stolen trainers by my bed, I couldn’t help but revel in the thrill of the night’s events. It was a heist unlike any other, a daring act of theft that left me feeling alive and invigorated. The stolen trainers were more than just shoes, they were a symbol of my daring and creativity, a reminder that sometimes, the best adventures come from the most unexpected places.

The lad in the tram

Author – Emil

A few days ago, while riding on a rather crowded tram I accidentally noticed a boy of about 15-16 years old. He was dressed in a navy blue jacket, grey jeans, navy blue Fila canvas sneakers and the top of short black socks were also visible. His right shoe was untied and the ends of his shoelaces were dragging along the floor of the wagon. He had headphones in his ears. I don’t think he realised he had an unlaced shoe. I didn’t pay much attention to him.

As the tram approached my stop, I noticed that this boy was heading for the adjacent pair of rail car doors.

The tram stopped and I got off, and so did that boy. The doors closed, the tram started and then I heard a rather loud shout.

That boy was standing on one leg, his right foot raised. And he wore only a black, very short sock on it. The shoe had disappeared. It wasn’t on the platform either. I realised that his unlaced sneaker must have fallen off his foot and stayed on the tram.

“Oh no! What am I going to do now?” I heard.

Then he noticed me looking at him and tried to hide his foot in a sock behind the calf of his left leg.
I suggested that he could take the next tram to the end of the route, it was only a few stops away, and there look for the lost shoe in the tram we both got off.

“I know,” he said, “But I have a history test. I might not make it in time.”

But when the tram arrived, he hesitated for a moment and got on the carriage nonetheless.

I’m curious, did he find his shoe or not after all?

Cocky Bully basketball player

Author – Anonymous

When I arrived at the party, the first thing that caught my eye was the flashy pair of Nike Kd Trey 5’s basketball shoes that adorned the feet of a cocky basketball player. He strutted around with a slight swagger, clearly aware of the attention his footwear was garnering. As the night went on, I couldn’t shake the desire to possess those shoes for myself.

I mustered up the courage to approach the basketball player and strike up a conversation. He greeted me with a casual nod and a dismissive “see you around the party,” clearly not interested in engaging in small talk. Undeterred, I kept a close eye on him throughout the night, making sure he didn’t slip away before I had a chance to make my move.

As the party began to die down and guests started to filter out, I noticed the basketball player heading towards one of the guest rooms. I followed behind discreetly, ensuring that he didn’t realize he was being tailed. Once he entered the room and closed the door behind him, I quickly locked it from the outside, trapping him inside.

I waited in the shadows, biding my time until I was certain he had fallen asleep. When the room fell silent, I cautiously cracked the door open and peered inside. The basketball player was sprawled out on the bed, his legs hanging off the edge due to his towering height. This was my moment.

Quietly, I tiptoed into the room and approached the bed where the basketball player lay motionless. With trembling hands, I reached out and began to touch his shoes tentatively, almost reverently. The Nike Kd Trey 5’s were even more impressive up close, the sleek design and vibrant colors beckoning me closer.

Gathering my courage, I carefully slipped the shoes off his feet, being careful not to disturb him. His snoring filled the room, providing cover for my daring act. With the prized possessions in hand, I made my escape, leaving the basketball player none the wiser.

As I walked away from the party, a rush of adrenaline coursed through my veins. The thrill of my heist made my heart race, knowing that I had successfully managed to take what I desired without anyone suspecting a thing. As I glanced back at the house, I smirked to myself, knowing that the basketball player would wake up in confusion, his beloved shoes missing.

For weeks, I kept the stolen Nike Kd Trey 5’s hidden away, only daring to wear them on the weekends when the basketball player was unlikely to spot them. The shoes served as a constant reminder of my audacious feat, fueling my desire for more excitement and adventure.

In the end, the stolen shoes became both a coveted prize and a burden, a symbol of my daring escapade that I would never forget. The thrill of the chase and the rush of adrenaline lingered in my memory, a testament to the lengths I would go to in pursuit of what I desired. And though the basketball player never discovered the truth behind his missing shoes, I knew that my actions had left an indelible mark on both of us.

The Vault

Author – Jimbo

It was the school holidays and me Jeff and Bobby were bored, the weather had been lousy. Eventually it stopped raining, we decided to go outside but Bobby had to babysit his younger brother Charlie, who wanted to spend the day on his PlayStation. Nobody liked Charlie, especially his brother. At 13 he was old enough to look after himself but Bobby didn’t trust him to be left home alone so he insisted on taking him with us but Charlie refused to leave.

Bobby threw Charlie his trainers to put on but the lad threw them back. I picked up his discarded Nikes and threatened to throw them in the river. Charlie took the hint, snatched back his trainers and reluctantly put them on and followed us outside.

As we headed towards the town centre it began to rain again, Jeff suggested we go inside an abandoned bank to shelter from the rain. We entered through a broken window at the back and began to explore. Downstairs in the cellar we found a vault.

‘Do you think they left any valuables behind?’ Joked Jeff.

It had iron railings from floor to ceiling. I commented that it looked like a jail as we walked inside. Bobby suggested we should lock Charlie in. We all laughed at the thought, then we heard the door close behind us. Charlie had locked us inside and it was him now laughing from the other side of the iron bars. Bobby swore at his younger brother as he tried to open the door.

‘You better go find a key you fucking piece of shit!’

There was no other way out, after all it was a vault. Charlie laughed again saying we were his prisoners and we should be more respectful.

‘Go find the fucking key!’ I shouted.

Charlie disappeared leaving us alone. A short while later he returned holding some keys he had found in an upstairs office. Several keys didn’t fit but one did, as soon as he unlocked the door he slammed it shut again.

‘Think you guys need to stay here a while longer, reflect on your attitude towards me.’ He said laughing dangling the key.

‘Open the fucking door!’ Shouted Bobby.

‘You need to speak respectfully to your prison guard or you won’t be released.’
He then placed the key on a wall hook out of reach of us telling us we can stare at it for a while. Bobby got out his phone to call his dad.

‘Dad won’t be happy to leave work to rescue us.’ Said Bobby.

He quickly realised he had no signal, me and Jeff looked at our phones, we had no signal either. We were in a vault!

‘Unlucky!’ shouted Charlie as he walked away leaving us trapped.

Bobby shouted at his brother to come back but he didn’t. We could see the key but couldn’t reach it. Jeff took off one his Adidas trainers and threw it at the wall but missed the key. He tried again with his other trainer, the key fell to the floor.

‘We still can’t reach the key and now you have no shoes!’ I said.

Jeff looked at his white socked feet as he realised his trainers were out of his reach too. Charlie returned and seen the key and Jeff shoes on the floor. He put the key in his pocket and picked up Jeff’s trainers.
‘Give me my shoes and open the fucking door!’ Shouted Jeff.

‘You still don’t get it do you boys! You have to be nice to me before I set you free.’

Charlie kicked off his Nikes and placed his feet inside Jeff’s Adidas Sambas.

‘Get your grubby feet out of my trainers.’ Shouted Jeff.

Jeff’s size 11 trainers were too big, he quickly put his own trainers back on. He smiled as he looked at Jeff’s socked feet.

‘Having watched Traffic Cops on TV all prisoners get their shoes confiscated before going in the cells. I think you should do the same. Take off your shoes boys.’ He said with a big grin on his face.

I looked down at my TN’s and told him straight that he wasn’t having my shoes.

‘Your not getting our shoes as we are not your fucking prisoners, just open the door shithead.’ Shouted Bobby.

‘Your still not being nice to me, the more you’re disrespectful the longer you stay locked up.’ He said as he left again taking Jeff’s shoes with him.

‘Leave my shoes here!’ Shouted Jeff.

Charlie ignored him leaving Jeff frustrated at having his shoes taken by a 13 year old and he was helpless to anything about it.

This time Charlie had been gone a good while. We began to get concerned that he’d gone home leaving us trapped inside the vault.

I said we are going to have to be nice to him.

‘He’s gonna have to let us out eventually.’ Said Jeff.

‘When he does I’m gonna fucking kill him.” Said Bobby.

Charlie returned empty handed.

‘What have you done with my trainers?’ Demanded Jeff.

Charlie assured him they were safe for now.

‘What do you want in order for us to leave here?’ I said politely through gritted teeth.

“Your shoes!” He said looking at my feet.

I looked at my TN’s and said he could take them as long as I get them back.

‘You are my prisoners, I make the demands.’ He said.

I reluctantly took off my trainers and placed them through the bars. As he took them I grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards me, pinning him to the bars. Jeff reached into Charlie’s pockets but the key wasn’t there.

‘Nice try boys, the key is with your Adidas trainers Jeff. You’ll now have to spend a little longer in there for your attempt at escaping.’

‘You said you would free us if I give you my shoes!’ I said.

He smiled saying he didn’t stipulate when we were to be freed.

‘You fucking arsehole!’ Shouted Bobby.

He picked up my trainers threatening to throw them in the river.

I watched helplessly as Charlie left with my trainers leaving me standing on the cold floor in my black Nike crew socks.

Bobby said his brother would suffer painfully when he gets out of here. Charlie returned.
‘We still have a prisoner wearing shoes, they need to be confiscated!’

We all looked at Bobby’s white Air Force Ones.

‘I’m not your prisoner and you’re certainly not taking my trainers!’ Said Bobby.

‘Just give him your shoes!’ Said Jeff.

Bobby stood defiantly with his arms crossed. Charlie told me and Jeff to remove his brothers shoes. Bobby’s face looked like it was about to explode. At 17 he was not happy at being ridiculed by his kid brother in front of his mates.

‘Take his shoes boys!’ Said Charlie telling us the more we disobey the longer we remain in the vault.

As Bobby stood staring at his brother, me and Jeff got on our knees and began to untie his laces, I lifted his foot and pulled off his trainer. I could smell and feel the warmth of his socked foot. I watched Jeff do the same with Bobby’s other shoe.

We passed the Air Force Ones through the bars leaving all three of us as shoeless prisoners, just as he had wanted. Charlie demanded we call him Sir when we speak to him. Jeff refused. We were reminded of the consequences of disobeying him.

Charlie held up his brothers trainers and smiled.

‘I want you all to thank me for taking care of your trainers whilst your locked in my prison!’

Through gritted teeth in my socked feet I said ‘Thank You!’

‘You all need to say it and properly.’ He said.

‘Thank you for taking care of our shoes!’ We said.

‘Again!’ He said annoying the life out of us.

‘Thank you for taking care of our shoes. Sir!’ We said with great embarrassment with being at the mercy of a 13 year old kid.

Charlie had a big cheesy grin on his face as he left room taking Bobby’s trainers with him.

We sat on the floor staring at our shoeless feet. Charlie had been gone a while, how long was he going to keep us locked up and more importantly what had he done with our shoes?

Two Faced Theif

Author – Wantthemback

Last summer some friends and I decided to spend a weekend at an Airbnb in Barcelona. We planned the trip as cheap as possible, so we were light on luggage to avoid fees and ended up cramming as many people as we could in the apartment. I had never met some of these people before, but they seemed cool, so I didn’t mind. One of them, let’s call him Ben, even complimented my Nike Blazers, I thanked him and didn’t think anything of it at the time.

The trip was great and the food amazing, but on Saturday evening the heat was unbearable and my feet were hurting from walking all day, so some of us decided to go to the apartment early.

When I got there and took my sneakers off, my feet stunk from wearing them all day, so in order not to bother anyone I put them on the windowsill of the bathroom, hoping that the night air would freshen them by the next morning.

I was so tired that I fell asleep pretty much immediately, I didn’t even wake up when the rest of the group, which included Ben, arrived.

Our train back left early on Sunday, so we had to pack quickly to get there on time. I had all my stuff ready, but when I went to get my sneakers from the bathroom window they were missing. I was sure that I had left them there, and everyone remembered seeing them the night before. We searched all over the patio bellow and in the apartment but they were nowhere. We were running out of time, so eventually I assumed that they must have fallen down to the patio where someone grabbed them before we got there.

I called off the search and resigned myself to walk to the station in flip flops since I had nothing else to wear. But when Ben saw me, he offered me his spare Vans. He had packed two pairs of shoes and said he didn’t mind giving them to me, so I thanked him and put them on. His Vans were very worn and molded to his feet, but they fit me fine.

We got to the station just in time and left for home. During the train trip I had time to look closely at Ben’s Vans and was starting to enjoy wearing them. They didn’t make up for my lost Blazers, but I still liked them.

Back home, before everyone went their ways, I offered Ben his Vans back, but to my surprise he said I could keep them, and, I quote: “Even though they’re not as good as your Nikes”. Again, I thanked him, and I went home happy to have his old sneakers.

Since then I’ve worn his Vans from time to time. Despite being rather thrashed they remind me of him and that trip to Barcelona.

This should have been the end of this story, and that’s what I thought as well until last week, when I saw a photo Ben had uploaded where he was wearing the exact same sneakers I lost in that trip. A pair of white and blue Nike Blazers Mid, and I’m 100% sure they’re the same sneakers I had.

He had shown interest in them, he had the time to grab them while I was asleep, and I know for a fact we have the same size. Those Blazers are mine and he stole them from me!

I haven’t seen Ben since last summer, but I’m definitely asking him where he got those sneakers from.

I’ll update as soon as he responds back.

Sweet Sweet revenge

Author – Luke

When in school we had a real monster of a math teacher – Mr. McCarter. he regularly punished boys by making them go shoeless, collect the garbage in the yard shoeless, walk round the block in socks, or occasionally go home in socks. Another favorite punishment of his was taking away a chair and making boys sit with bent knees – an extremely painful position. He would always make horribel sarcastic comments to boys he punished like “Enjoy the walk, I think the council cleaned the sidewalk” or “You guys should arrange for carpet for your walk home.” He was a real racist too, and regularly singled out boys from our ethnic group for punishment.

Eventually a couple of us decided that it was time to get even. it had been a few years since, and one of us even had made a small amount of money, and most of us were simply bent of revenge.

We turned up outside the school building one day, and approahced him as he was leaving. “Hi Mr. McCarter” we greeted him warmly. He acted as if he didn’t know us – possibly out of sheer racism.

Jeremiah, dressed in a good suit, and looking the most prosperous took up the conversation. “Hi, I passed the accountancy examination yesterday, and I’m getting a serious promotion at work. You know it’s all due to your math lessons. ” He paused and said, “Hey, I wish I could repay you someday”

Mr. MacCarter softened a bit at this display of effusive praise. Desmond also offered a hand and said that he’s doing well, helping out in an optician, and the math comes in good use. a couple more of us offered similar comments.

“why dont; you have a pint on us” Desmond offered generously, pointing to the pub down the road.

“Sorry, but I have to keep moving” Mr. McCarter said, explaining that he has to take the subway across town.

I told him we’re sorry that hes not joining us, just as Jeremiah said no problem, I’ll drive you home.

He told Jeremiah that we won’t find his house etc … but Jeremiah assured him that if he puts it on his phone on Waze then it will all work out.

He followed us into a pub, Jeremiah said that he can’t drink as he’s driving, so baiscally it was Desmond, Paul, and I drinking with him. we made sure he finished a couple of pints, and then Jeremiah paid and siad that we have to get going.

I climbed into the front passenger seat of Jeremiah’s seven seater, and acted a bit drunk. the others told me to give him teh seat, it’s not respectful etc …. etc … but I pretended to act drunk. He straight away said it’s not a problem etc …. and climbed into the back. Paul was next to him, while Winston and Desmond sat behind him, with Jeremiah at the wheel. So far so good.

Jeremiah asked him for his phone and Waze, and totally unsuspecting he handed it over. Jeremiah put the phone on silent, where MacCarter couldn’t see it. The doors were childlocked before. An Jeremiah started driving. Mac Carter soon told us we’re going the wrong direction.

“OOh no, must be traffic that way, this is what Waze said” Jeremiah said picking up the phone and waving it in the air. He put the news on, and with a couple of pints in him, and distracted by the news, Mac Carter stopped commenting.

After about ten minutes Jeremiah swung onto a highway. before MacCarter could comment Paul leaned over to him “Thanks for your phone. Now give me your shoes man” Mac Carter looked absolutely shocked and refused to cooperate. Winston had remained silent the whole time, MacCarter had probably forgotten there was someone behind him. Now he suddenly pressed a small sharp cold blade, and told him that he suggests he cooperates. Still nothing doing. “Don’t push me, it won’t be funny ” he said, as he put a tiny bit of pressure.
eventually Paul picked up one of the guy’s legs, and pushed it towards me. He was warned that if he moves Winston will cut. his foot came next to my seat, and I unlaced his shoe and took it off. Realising we were serious he gave us his second shoe.

We drove about twenty kilometres down the highway, out of the town, and pulled up by a deserted farmhouse that we knew. the ground was broken cement, bits of grass and weeds that had broken through, loose pebbles, and various bits of garbage. Jeremiah and I jumped out the front, and opened the back doors. We didn’t say much to him, but we got out, and stood around loitering, Jeremiah holding the keys and MacCarter’s phone, while I went to a side to relieve myself.
He stayed seated in the car for a minute or two As we had planned, after drinking the two beers he too had to leave the car and go to the side.
As he got out, Desmond said, “Be careful of rusty nails. We haven;t got a antibiotics here”

Then we told him he ahs to sit without a chair. “I ain’t doing anything of the sort. ” he commented “Yor’e doing what you told. You’ve got about forty days of detention waiting for you anyway, but dont; make them longer. ” As we stood gathered around him behind the ramshakle deserted farmhouse building, the guy realised he ahd no choice, but to complete the various punishments we gave him. First we made him sit for a long time without a chair. then we allowed him to climb up a rusty tractor nd take a seat, and made him write 200 lines – I SHALL NOT TAKE AWAY MY STUDENT’S SHOES.

After a couple of hours we brought him back, with a tiny amount of money in his pcket, and we dropped him shoeless in a subway station.

Sure hope he learns his lesson

Orange socks pt 12 – the parade

Author – YMG

It was the morning of the parade.

The various men who had jailed in the town wre dreading the parade. they thought about not cooperating or simply excaping, but they were warned that anyone who failed to participate would be sentenced to a full year of community service and end up participating in the next year’s parade, so they understood that it wuld be better to swalllow their pride and get it over and doen with.

The morning dawned bright and early, thankfully it was a dry day so at least they wouldn;t get thier socks wet. The sherrif appeared in the jail. “Good day to all you guys. Follow me.”
They followed him to the back entrance where they had been processed. he looked at the orange clad feet, and then broguht out another box of orange socks. “Put these on your hands” he told them.
“What the ***” they all asked.

Not everyone in the crowd will be able to see your feet, So you wear these on your hands and wave to everyone.

A couple of men reached out for the socks but andy and Vincent refused. “Kids, you’l end up here another year if you dont’t cooperate. ” the sherrif reminded them. Simlar to the socks, eh insisted that they put the socks over their sleeves. most the socks came half way up to the elbow.

With little choice all the men put the socks on their hands too.

They were led out to the main street and told to wait behind a line. Stnaign on along the side were numerous townspeople plus people from nearbu towns who had come to watch the humiliating spectacle.
then the throwing started. numerous pebbles, gravel, rocks, acorns, and general garbage was thrown down on the main street were they would be walking.

Finally it was time for the walk to ebgin. with cheering from the crowd, the “criminals” walked carefully, watching every step, and waving their oranged-socked hands to the crowd. Finnally after a kilomtere and a half the torture was over, and they wre allowed to retunr to their bunkhouse.

The dripped out drunk guy

Author – Anonymous

I was on a public bus on my way home when someone drunk guys came into the bus. I spot a drunk guy get on the bus wear black Nike fleece tech pants and sweater, wearing adidas Ultraboost 22 Speckled Midsole Black White, the other guy only wore Nike shoes, nothing else Nike or adidas or big brands. He sit two seat away from me to the left. Then after a while I noticed he fell asleep, his kept moving so his pant was slipping down, I saw some black short peaking out, then he woke up 10 mins later and I ask cool outfit, then he say yes it is all drunk and asks me to help him be he was about to puke so I helped him, gave him a bag to puke in, as he was puking I was admiring and he tell me to wake him up when we get to The northside of town and he fell asleep. But before that a couple of people were looking at him because of the puking sounds. Then we got to the stop so I tried waking him up and he woke up I was looking at his Nike clothes admiring him, I want to have his Nike clothes and his shoes. But then he fell back asleep, I was worrying what to so I stared at his Nike thing and started taking off one of his shoes and check the size, the size was a 9 1/2, I said in me head wow just my size so I took off my dirt shoes Reebok shoes and put them down on the ground with his, take off his Nike pants and I see that he has shorts under because I saw them poking out earlier and then I take his a Nike socks that I didn’t see before and swapped them out with his and then take of his Nike fleece tech pants quickly and take of my dirt-ish Jean and put on the pant after check the size and if was the same size XL then I took of his Nike fleece tech pant and put them on, take off my Reebok sweater too, switched it with his then I put on his Nike fleece tech sweater, then put on his adidas Ultraboost 22 Speckled Midsole Black White size 9 shoes and shoved my shoes on to his feet, then I ran away. The person who was driving the train went out to go the toilet and ask for me to stay for a bit and turn off the lights, he didn’t get a good look at my clothes, his too. The End

true story I wonder if he even remembered or remembered he was not wearing my clothes.

The school lost and found find.

Author – Anonymous

When I was going to Physical Education AKA PE I went to check what was for lunch and right next the the cafeteria was the lost and found and after I look at what’s for lunch I turned around and started walking and my eyes saw an adidas shoe but I could see the other pair. I really wanted to take them but I had to go to class so I waited till the end of the day and went to the lost and found and look for the other shoe that matches the adidas shoe and I grab it out of the back but then I put it on top and walked away but then I went back and grabbed then, I unzipped my backpack shoved then in there and zipped it back up. Then I start to jogging a bit to get toward the exit. When I got home I tried the with the laces tied as it was and I new the owner had big feet because the was a gap between the tongue of the shoe and my foot, also the shoe was a size 11 while I can barely fit a 8.5 Nike shoes, then I untied the laces and tied them together tight to my feet but no so tight so I can’t slip out of the shoes, did the same to the other one, then I felt the space between my toes and the tip of the so and it was kinda big so I made a DIY thing and attached it to the tongue of the shoes and it fit perfectly-ish, so I jumped in them, then walked in them. The End.

Shopping in Peti’s clothes

Author – Tomi

Shopping in Peti’s clothes

I met my friend Peti through a cousin. Although there was a good couple of years of age difference between us, we became very good friends, we hung out together a lot in our free time. Once I went over to them in work clothes, and then we were going to do something, but I felt something in the air, it was very tense. Later, she blurted out that she had a fight with her mom because she was her mom, because she made up the idea to ask me to take them to the supermarket in the nearby town, since she didn’t have a car or a license yet. My eyes immediately lit up because I was in work clothes and I had an idea. I’ve always liked his hiking boots, so I said that I don’t want to go home and change, lend me a T-shirt, pants and his hiking boots and we can go. We were about the same size, but I didn’t even ask about the foot size. He found the idea strange, since it wouldn’t have taken long for me to go home, but he said yes. My heart was pounding as I took off my clothes and started to put on his. His sports t-shirt was freshly washed, but it was his! He gave me a pair of gray velvet pants with pockets, just the right fit for me, and the hiking boots… they felt so good to wear. It was Petin all the time at school, and now it’s on me, adorning my legs.
While shopping at the store, all three of us went in different directions, and then suddenly I heard my friend’s mom calling after me. “Pete!” I turned and saw that he was very surprised that I was not his son, I had deceived his clothes.
After we went home after shopping, I put on my own clothes, we had dinner and I went home. At home, I still had the feeling of changing clothes, my heart started beating again, I took off my socks. I could feel the smell of the leather hiking boots on it, since it took over and mixed with mine for about two hours…