At school

Author – Emil

Last friday, my school’s corridor, a break between second and third lesson that day. I was in our school’s shop to buy a new pen (that one I used just broke). But when the bell rings, I was still in the shop. So I started to run back to my class, trying not to be late for my lesson. When I’d been running upstairs, I slipped at some moment and fell down the stairs. I got up and it turned out that i lost my right shoe. I looked back and I saw some kid, picking my shoe up off the floor and throwing it with all his strengh! So i immediately lost my shoe from my sight. I try to look for my shoe, but i couldn’t found it. So I reached the my class not only late, but with one shoe as well. Worst of all, that Mrs. Burska called me also to the blackboard! Everyone in my class saw me walking one-shoed. So, they laughed at me a lot that day, because I had to spent three lessons more wearing one shoe and only brown sock on my other foot. Finally, My shoe was given to the lost and found box.

Of course, I have boots in dressing room, but it is not allowed to wearing boots at school.

Hidden Shoes

Author – Kevin

Today at school some girls took off my shoes and ran off with them. They both went different direction and I wanted to follow them but some others held on to me so I couldn’t get away. After a few minutes the girls came back but without my shoes. I asked them where they were but they only said you have to find them yourself and they laughed. It was in the first break so I didn’t have that much time anymore and I started walking in one of the directions. The bell rang for the next lesson and I was still in my grey paterned socks. I walked to my class and these girls were laughing at me and I felt a little embarrassed. They made me spend the whole day in socks and at the end of last lesson they told me where to find my sneaks. I had to walk half the school but I finally got them back.