Orange Socks pt.3

Author – Jman

Mike was was washing windows at the gas station in his blue shirt, white pants, orange socks and no shoes. Just then Joel and Paul pulled up to get gas and get their windows washed. They were on their way to spring break and had stopped in that town for gasoline. As Matt was working in his stocking feet, Joel said to him, “Nice socks!” Paul then replied, “Get some shoes dude!” Matt wanted to say something but he could not otherwise it would be one more week of community service and wearing the bright orange socks which made it clear to everyone that he had broken the law.

Paul and Joel pulled out of the gas station and started to accelerate and went a little too fast. They were stopped by the sheriff for going 42 in a 30 mph zone. They were told to step out of the car and were taken to jail because they were more than ten miles over the speed limit. In this town when a driver is arrested for a violation, all the passengers are also taken in and charged.

Upon arriving at the jail Paul and Joel were ordered to take off their shoes. Joel had some very nice blue and gold Osiris. Paul just had some soccer slides. The officer seemed thrilled abut the blue and gold sneakers and seemed disappointed that Paul only had soccer slides. They were put in the holding cell to wait for their court appearance.

A little later Jesse was driving through town and he had a headlight that was out and he was stopped by the police. He was told that he was driving an unsafe and would have to be taken to jail and appear before the judge. Jesse was wearing red and white converse all stars and was told to remove them. Paul, Joel and Jesse were sitting there in their white socks.

Aaron was also going through town. He was stopped for expired plates as was taken in also. He also had to remove his soccer slides leaving him in black socks.

Also on their way to spring break were Shaun, Bill and Vince. They were also on their way to spring break. They had their car windows rolled down and the radio was on. They were also stopped by the sheriff for excessive noise coming from their vehicle. They also were arrested and their car was impounded. Bill had to take of his tan Sperry’s and Shaun and Vince had to take off their very expensive cowboy boots.

When the time came, the six went to their court appearance in stocking feet as all defendants may not wear shoes but must in be in their socks. They all figured that they would just get a fine and would be on their way. They were socked when they all were sentenced to two weeks of community service and they were ordered to donate their shoes to the thrift shop.

As with many before them, the mini bus took them to the bunkhouse and they were given the bright orange socks to wear for community service. Matt had a grin on his face when the ones who made fun of his orange socks would now be wearing the orange socks themselves.

Meanwhile the sheriff took the shoes of the offenders to the thrift store. Jane, the store manager said to the sheriff, “You have quite a harvest today.” The sheriff said that it was a mixed bag. There was this nice looking pair of blue and gold Osiris and two nice pair of cowboy boots and a nice pair of patent leather shoes. Two of the offenders had only soccer slides, so I did not get much from them. “Well, it is spring break time and that always brings an increase of sockies.” (Sockie is the term the townspeople use for those going community service in the orange socks without shoes.) With all the extra spring work, we need a higher amount of sockies than usual.

The sheriff replied, “They are not going to have the spring break they planned.” Jane said, “When will they learn to obey the rules.

to be continued.

Swapping Shoes in a Thrift Store

Author – Shoeless Sub

This happened before COVID when I was still living in a certain very rainy city on the West Coast. Back then I lived close to a neighbourhood that had a spacious Salvation Army store.

One day when I was in the neighbourhood I decided to kill some time in the store. When I was around the sneaker section, my attention was immediately caught by a pair of white Nike Court Royale. Why someone decided to donate an almost new pair of sneakers I do not know, but I reached out anyway to see the size – 11, slightly bigger than my size, but I decided to try them on anyway. I was wearing a pair of black Stefan Janoski back then – I had worn them for only a few months, and they were in an even better condition than the Court Royales. I slipped off my right shoe and put the Court Royale on – it fitted better than I expected! I quickly put on the other shoe as well.

Now that I was literally standing in someone else’s shoes, a thought suddenly popped up – what if I just leave my own shoes here and walk away with the Court Royales? For a moment I hesitated – would this be stealing? And how would I get my own shoes back? On second thought, I decided to give it a try. I would come back the next day and swap the shoes back. So I went back to the sneaker section and quietly put my Janoskis on the racks. And then I headed toward the store exit.

As I was about to exit, I was so nervous and I kept thinking what would happen if I got caught – would they ask me to take them off and force me into a shoeless walk of shame, as has happened to many on this blog? But to my relief – and probably disappointment? – I wasn’t caught and went back to my apartment.

On my way back, I started thinking who the original owner was. I couldn’t help but hope he was a fit guy of my age – hopefully a jock? I also fantasized that they were owned by a straight guy I had a crush on in high school, seeing him, in my Imagination, taking off his shoes and handing them to me. The thought really turned me on, and I could feel my skinny jeans get tight. To calm myself, I played the usual walking shoeless game that I wrote about on this blog a while ago. I took off the Court Royales in the dark, and walked in my socks for a good ten minutes. Fortunately, when I returned to the shoes they were still there.

The next day, I returned to the Salvation Army to get my own shoes back, but when I reached the shoe section, I couldn’t find the Janoskis on the racks! Then it occurred to me that a guy of my age was trying them on. He had already put my shoe on his left shoe but was still wearing his dirty vans sneaker on his right shoe. There was nothing I could do except to wait – what else can I do? He certainly wouldn’t believe me if I told him these were my shoes and I wanted them back!

To my horror, he headed to the cash register, holding my shoes in his hands. I followed him at a distance and pretended to be taking a look at the shelves close to the register. I heard him complain that there wasn’t a price tag on my shoes, to which the staff replied that shoes without price tags are given out for free. He then explained that there wasn’t a price tag because they likely belonged to a customer: sometimes people would come in to the store to swap their shoes for a better pair, but it’s quite rare that they would leave behind a newer pair.

Hearing his explanation, I was ashamed that the clerk had known the origin of the Janoskis, but also relieved that he did not know that I did the swap. As for the guy, he thought he was lucky and was more than happy to own a relatively new pair of shoes for free. He thanked the clerk and left the store with my shoes in a plastic bag.

And this is the story of how I stole/switched/lost a pair of new skateboard shoes. Fortunately, the Court Royales that I’m stuck with were in good condition, and I still wear them occasionally to this day,

New Shoes For Christmas.

Author – Andys Mate

It had been a long night as Andy walked through the bustling bar area on Christmas Eve infact it had gone midnight so it was officially Christmas Day. He noticed down a side street a homeless guy getting abused by four young men, they were throwing the guys bag around like a football, its contents spilling onto the ground. The homeless guy just sat afraid of his tormentors. Being by himself Andy was aware that things could go seriously wrong as he approached the four guys who had been celebrating the festive season and were quite drunk.
They spotted Andy approaching and stopped throwing the bag to one another. One had a shoe in his hand, Andy looked at the homeless guy, he was missing a shoe.
‘Come on guys it’s Christmas!’ He said.
They remained quiet and the one holding the shoe said ‘Sorry Officer we were just having some fun.’
Andy briefly looked down at his uniform before staring back at the guys.
‘Does it look like the poor guys having fun, he has no home to celebrate Christmas with a huge turkey dinner,’ he said.
They looked at each other sheepishly.
‘It won’t be fun for you either spending Christmas in jail’ he said.
‘I’m sorry, please don’t lock me up!’ Said the guy holding the shoe.
‘Sorry doesn’t cut it, it’s this guy you should be apologising too!’ Said Andy pointing to the scared homeless guy sitting on the ground.
‘Why have you taken his shoe?’ Asked Andy.
The guy just shrugged his shoulders.
‘They are all he has and you are going to make him shoeless on Christmas Day’ said Andy.
‘Sorry!’ The guy said again begging not to be arrested.
Andy took the homeless guys shoe from him and checked its size.
‘What shoe size are you?’ He asked.
The young man looked down at his tan coloured leather loafers before saying he was a size 9.
‘Same size!’ Said Andy suggesting he should give his shoes to the homeless guy as a gesture of goodwill.
The guy again stared at his feet before looking at Andy, mouth wide open.
‘Going home shoeless would be better than spending Christmas in jail shoeless’ said Andy.
‘Are you being serious?’ He said trying to save face infront of his mates.
‘Take them off now or take them off in jail!’ Said Andy asserting some authority.
He slipped them off and picked them up before giving them to the homeless guy. Andy noticed the shoeless guy had holes in his socks.
‘Give him your socks too!’
The guy shook his head, ‘You have to be kidding me!’ He said slurringly before he peeled the black socks of his feet.
The drunken barefoot guy blushed with embarrassment as he watched the homeless guy put on his warm socks and shoes as his mates couldn’t resist laughing.
Andy stared at their feet.
‘Perhaps you may like to donate your footwear to the homeless, after all it is the season of goodwill.’ Said Andy.
They laughed ‘No fucking way!’ Said a guy wearing black Chelsea boots.
‘Swear again in public and you will be arrested!’ Warned Andy.
They looked at each as their barefoot mate stared at their feet.
‘Take them off!’ Said Andy threatening to lock them up if they didn’t comply.
A black pair of Chelsea boots, black leather Brogues and a pair of black/grey Nikes lay abandoned on the ground as their owners stood in their socked feet.
Before you go pick up all the guys belongings and put them back in the bag.
Andy and the homeless guy watched as the four drunk shoeless guys walked around picking up everything.
‘Thank you and merry Christmas.’ Said Andy as they gave the guy his bag back.
They watched the three sock footed and one barefoot guy walk out of the side street and disappear into the night.
‘Thank you.’ Said the homeless guy before giving Andy a plastic bag to place the donated footwear in. He seemed happy getting a nice pair of leather loafers and warm socks for Christmas.
Andy wished the guy a merry Christmas before leaving carrying the bag of shoes.

Andy woke up late, he lived alone in a small flat. Christmas was just another day. He got dressed and made coffee. Before putting on his work boots he emptied the plastic bag spilling it’s contents onto the floor. The Chelsea boots, Brogues and Nikes where all the same size, his size. He tried them all on, they all fitted comfortably especially the Nikes. Nice Christmas presents, he thought before putting his own boots on and going to work.

The drunk guys assumed he was a policeman but he was not. He wore a similar style uniform as a security guard . If he told them he wasn’t then there may have been a different outcome in the side street. He had kept his nerve and persuaded them to give him their shoes.
In his opinion they deserved to lose their shoes, although he had been nervous he enjoyed making them take them off, he would take great pleasure remembering that everytime he wore their footwear.

Merry Christmas!

Orange Socks (alternate ending) and part two

Author – Jman

I changed the last two chapters of the story slightly so I could do the alternate ending.

I had finished up my time of community service along with the three friends that I had made. We were taken to the processing room of the courthouse to get released. We were all told to hand over our orange socks. I was glad about that because I did not want to see them again. Our belonging were given back to us but instead of getting our shoes back, we were given a pair of pink socks and told to put them on.

We had asked about our shoes and were told that we would not be getting them back as they had been donated to the thrift store. We were told that the town has an ordinance that anyone who breaks the law has to donate their shoes to the thrift store.

We were then told that we would need the pink socks in order to leave town as wearing pink socks was an indicator to the townspeople that we had served our sentence and were no longer fugitives. We were told that we were to go to the bus station a leave town. Our pink socks would serve as our bus ticket. We were also told that if we attempted to buy our shoes back from the thrift store that we would be in violation of our release and we would be wearing the orange socks again. I asked about getting my car back and was told that I would have to leave on the bus and return another day to get my car back.

The four of us went to the bus station. It was bad enough walking the streets in socks, but pink socks were that much worse.

I finally got back home and put on a suit with my polished black leather shoes and went to the city impound lot. I noticed two other people there wearing pink socks. I went to the window and explained that I had just finished community service and was there to get my car back. The lady replied, “If that is so, where are your pink socks? Anyone doing community service loses their shoes to the thrift shop and is given pinks socks to wear. Since you don’t have your pink socks, your story does not check out.”

The lade pushed a hidden button and a police officer came to the window. The lady explained that I had tried to get a car out of impound and I was not wearing pink socks so I either he escaped from the bunkhouse or was never doing community service and is trying to get a car that is not his.

I was then put under arrest for attempted fraud. I was taken into custody and they took my good shoes. The officer seemed glad because now he had the shoes that he wanted so bad. I was also charged with violating the terms of my release as all release prisoners must wear pink socks without shoes while in town in public. I was also shown video footage of passing the note to Matt.

I went before the judge with three violations and was sentenced to three weeks of community service. Once again I boarded the mini bus to go to the bunkhouse and was given the orange socks. Matt, James, John and Mike were all there to welcome me back.

to be continued.

No Shoes, No Car

Author – Jman

One day a friend an I were out for a drive. We went down to the park and decided to take a walk along the break wall of the marina. I found a place to park the car. It was a turn around zone where parking was not allowed. I often park illegally with the hope that my car will get ticketed and towed. After parking the car, we decided to leave our shoes in the car and take a walk in just our socks. I had converse high tops and he had dvs skate shoes.

After returning to the car, we saw that my car had gotten towed. There we were in our socks at the marina with no shoes. We went in our socks to the harbor master and embarrassingly admitted that our car got towed. We have him the information about the car and told us to go to the city impound lot but we would need to pay our fines and fees to get our car back. It would be $300 for the tow, $100 for storage and $125 for the violation for a total of $525.

We went to the bank in our socks to get the money we would need to get the car back. Again, in our socks, we went to the impound yard and paid the penalty for parking illegally on purpose. So far, no one said anything about us not having shoes on. We got our receipt and went to the tow yard to get our car. When we gave the release form to the security guard, he noticed that we were in our socks and told us we could not get our car back because we did not have shoes on. I explained that our shoes were in the car. He said, “I’m sorry but you can’t get your car off the lot if you don’t have shoes on.” We could not get our car because we did not have our shoes and we could not get our shoes because we could not get our car.

There we were with no car and no shoes having to go home in our socks.

The Train Encounter PT. 2

Author – Jock

I was feeling anxious but also excited, some random guy had my shoes and I was stood in my socked feet in a strange place.
I had been standing on the empty railway platform for twenty minutes when some kids on the other side of the rail track started throwing stones. I shouted at them to behave but they just laughed. If I had been wearing shoes I would have chased them away.
Then I realised that they weren’t aiming at me but deliberately covering the railway platform, they had plenty of stones and gravel from the ballast of the railway track, very soon the small platform was covered making it difficult to walk around in my socked feet.
A train travelling in the opposite direction stopped and several passengers got off, some girls giggled upon realising I was shoeless. My embarrassment disappeared as quickly as the passengers leaving the platform. The kids throwing stones had gone too leaving me alone once more. One hour had passed but my train did not arrive, I checked my watch before walking awkwardly over the stone covered platform to the timetable were I checked it again. I soon realised I had mistakenly looked at the weekday service earlier and not the Sunday service. I had another hour to wait. I began to panick, what if the guy wasn’t prepared to wait that long, that is if he had actually got off the train at the next station. All sorts of scenarios went through my head but they all had the same outcome, he had my shoes wherever he was.
Should I call a taxi, I checked my phone I had no service, I again walked awkwardly along the stone covered platform in my socks searching for a signal without success.
What if the next train is late or cancelled, l had no way of knowing.  I would have to leave the station and look for a taxi or find a signal. Both meant wandering shoeless around an unknown town and what if the train arrived after leaving the platform. It would then reach the next station without me. The guy with my Superstars would think I’ve abandoned him and my shoes as he wouldn’t expect me to arrive in a taxi.
I had no other option but to wait for the train hoping the guy and my Adidas Superstars would still be there.
I felt foolish for giving my shoes to a total stranger, being stranded miles from home in a strange place in my socked feet scared but excited me at the same time.

Orange socks

Author – George

This is a long story so I have split it into chapters for easy reading.
It is a complete story but I can follow it on if you like it.
Please let me know ‐ Thanks

Orange Socks

Chapter One – The Detour

With traffic backed up I exited the highway to find an alternative route home. My detour took me into a small town with well maintained houses with freshly painted picket fences and very clean streets.
I stopped at a diner, a waitress named Sally poured coffee, I told her she lived in a beautiful town.
“Thank you. We do take care of things around here!” she said smiling.
A young guy clearing tables was not wearing any shoes but wore bright orange socks on his feet.
“Where’s your shoes dude?” I asked but he did not reply.
As Sally refilled my coffee I asked her about the shoeless guy. She told me not to worry about him.
Nobody else took any notice, as if it was normal to be clearing tables in stocking feet.
“Have a nice day!” said Sally as I left the diner.

A month later I used the same highway. I remembered the small town with the picket fences. I decided to take the same exit and revisit the diner, I needed coffee but I also wanted to see if the young guy would still be clearing tables without shoes on his feet.

Sally smiled as she poured coffee.
“Nice to see you again,” she said. I was surprised she had remembered me.
“Not many smartly dressed young men pass through here.”
It was a different guy clearing the tables. His blue denim jeans where tucked into his socks making their orange color highly visible on his shoeless feet. It was difficult to not see them.
I tried speaking with him but just like the previous guy he ignored me.
“Don’t you be worrying about him!” said Sally.
I finished my coffee leaving the friendly waitress a big tip for remembering me.
Another young guy caught my attention at the gas station, he cleaned my windshield without any shoes on his feet, he too wore orange socks.
Then I noticed another guy sweeping the street wearing orange socks without shoes. A law enforcement officer sat in his patrol car nearby, I decided to speak with him.
“Can I help you sir?” Asked the Sheriff as he looked me up and down.
I asked him about the guys wearing orange socks without shoes.
“A smartly dressed young man like you need not worry yourself about these things!” He looked at my feet and complimented on my polished black leather shoes before driving off.
He hadn’t answered my question which had left me more curious than ever.
My suit and shiny shoes seemed to please the townsfolk, if they could see me on my rest days they wouldn’t be as complimentary.

That evening I played pool with my buddies Joel and Will. I told them about the small town with the friendly people. I sparked Joel’s curiosity after telling him about the shoeless guys wearing orange socks.
“They may enjoy it!” he said wearing the same mischievous smile as when my shoes got stolen way back in high school.
We agreed to visit the small town at the weekend to find out more about the shoeless guys.

Saturday quickly came but I was soon disappointed. Joe being a plumber had a call out to fix a burst pipe meaning he couldn’t make it. Will then decided not to go too.
“Best not to go poking into other peoples business!” he said.
We agreed to play pool with a few beers after Saturday chores.
An hour later I was on the road, curiosity had gotten the better of me, I wanted to know why those guys were shoeless and wearing orange socks!

Chapter Two – The Jailhouse

As I reached the town limits I passed a police patrol car at the side of the road.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” I said to myself as he pulled out behind me switching on his lights and sirens.
I recognised the friendly Sheriff from my last visit.
“Good afternoon Sheriff, have I done something wrong?” I asked politely.
“You were way over the speed limit!” he said demanding my driving license.
I got out of the car and told him I had not exceeded any speed limit.
He looked me up and down and shook his head as if my white t-shirt, black shorts and brand new brown Chucks offended him. He didn’t remember me, perhaps if I had wore my suit he wouldn’t have issued a speeding ticket.
“$1000!!” I screamed. I refused to accept the outrageous fine.
“Looks like you’re going to jail then! Put your hands behind your back!” he said.
I didn’t think he was being serious as I pushed him away.
“Resisting arrest too! You can explain that to the Judge on Monday.” He said as he cuffed my wrists.
“I have work on Monday!” I said “I’ll pay the god damn fine!”.
“Too late!” he said forcing me into the back seat of his patrol car.

“Another one!” said the Sheriff as we entered the county jail. The jailer removed everything from my pockets before uncuffing me.
“Take your sneakers off!” he demanded.
“I’ve done nothing wrong!” I pleaded knowing once they take my shoes I would not be going anywhere.
He got close, scuffing my left Converse toe cap with his boot. “Take them off!” he demanded menacingly.
I felt intimidated and scared I had no option but to comply. I surrendered my shoes leaving me standing in my black socks, they where flat and shiny where my brown Chucks had been.
I could see the black scuff mark from his boot on my left shoe as he searched them for contraband, they where brand new, their shoebox still in the trunk of my car. I pointed the mark out to him telling him he had ruined my new sneaks.
“Forget about your shoes” he said dismissing my complaint. They then disappeared out of sight along with the rest of my property.
“Follow me!” he said.
With all my possessions and shoes taken from me I felt vulnerable and scared as he led me to a holding cell already occupied by three other shoeless guys. Not the hardened criminals seen on countless TV shows, just average normal young men looking as bewildered as me.
A blond haired guy sitting on the floor wearing a baggy blue t-shirt with khaki short pants with white crew socks asked why I had been arrested.
“Speeding, apparently!” I said nervously.
“I’m Mike. ” he said explaining he had been charged with vagrancy.
“That sucks” I said.
Another guy called Derek, said he had been looking for a clients address and accidentally ran a stop sign. I guessed him being an electrician, his black sweatshirt and gray utility pants had ‘DJ Electrical’ on them. Wearing thick black socks with gray heels and toes I figured his confiscated footwear to be work boots.
The other guy stood wearing camo pants and tight khaki t-shirt with thick light brown socks, he sported very short hair, he looked like a soldier without boots.
“Connor is my name. Some smart mouth in the diner had me arrested after taking a dislike to me.” he said.
“You cannot be arrested for being disliked,” I said.
“Punching him may have swung it,” he said.
A few hours later we are moved to larger cells with bunks, Mike and I placed in one and Connor and Derek in another.
“Enjoy your home for the weekend boys,” said the jailer.
If I had listened to Will I would now be drinking beer instead of being locked up, I was overwhelmed with frustration and fear.

Mike was OK. With nothing else to do we talked. He had been hitchhiking from state to state.
“I couldn’t get a ride so I walked here from the highway. At the bus station a Deputy demanded to know my intentions. I told him to mind his own business, next thing I’m locked up!” he said staring at his shoeless feet while tapping one of the metal bars confining us.
I told him I had visited the town before and everyone seemed so friendly.

Saturday turned into Sunday. Nothing cool about getting locked up, It’s excruciatingly boring. Not how I had planned to spend my weekend, nothing I could do but suck it up!
Come Monday morning I would pay whatever the judge demands and get the hell out of here. Just chalk it up as a life experience.

Chapter Three – 28 Days

Monday finally arrived, the metal bars of the cell door opened. The relief of being freed from the jail cell was short lived as we were handcuffed and our ankles shackled.
“Is this necessary for a speeding ticket?” I asked.
I shuffled along in my socked feet along with Mike, Derek and Connor towards the exit.
“Where’s my sneaks?” Asked Mike.
The guard said we won’t need them as the courthouse is just across the street.
“You are gonna make us walk to court in stocking feet?” said Connor.
‘Yep’ said the guard.
‘What about jail slides?” He asked.
“We’re a small town with no funding! No slides! You can manage a few steps in your socks.” he said.
I thought it strange that a well kept town had no funding.
The guard stopped traffic as we slowly used the crosswalk manacled in our socked feet, everyone watching like the circus had come to town.
Never had I been arrested, chained up or walked shoeless in public and here I was doing the ‘Perp walk’ in my socked feet, the humiliation was incredible.

Another small holding cell awaited us.
An hour later we were stood infront of the judge, we all pleaded not guilty to the charges.
“28 days each!” said the judge banging his gavel. We all looked at each before protesting.
“What sort of trial is that?” Shouted Connor as we were dragged back to the holding cell.
“I can’t go to jail for four weeks I’ll lose my job!” I cried.
Connor was angry and Derek was visibly upset.
Half an hour later the Sheriff appeared.
“I’ve spoken with the judge, he’ll convert your sentences to one week of community service.” he said.
A full week of unpaid work for a non-existent speeding offense was still an injustice but better than a month in jail.
We quickly signed some paperwork before they had chance to reverse the sentence.
We were put in a mini bus and taken out of town to a ranch.
We entered a bunkhouse, a court appointed supervisor said we must complete our community service before leaving town and this would be our home for the next week.
“What about our property especially our sneakers and cellphones?” I asked.
“You don’t need them while you’re here!” said the supervisor.
We were given rules to obey, no speaking to any member of the public, obey every instruction given and remain in the bunkhouse when not doing your community service.”
“It’s more like prison with hard labor!” said Connor.
“Talk to anyone, fail your tasks or try and leave and you’ll be put before the judge! You could go straight to jail or have your community service extended! You could be here for a very long time!” he said.
He unshackled our feet.
“One last thing guys! Take off your socks!” he said.
Mike and the others looked puzzled.
“You want our socks? We doing this stupid community service barefoot?” He asked.
I kinda guessed what was coming as I stripped the black socks of my feet.
‘Orange is the new black’ I thought as he gave us all a pair of bright orange socks.
“Put them on, they are quite thick and hard-wearing, they will give your feet some protection.
The color will distinguish you from law abiding townsfolk, they will report you if you step out of line.
Mike held up his new socks and refused to wear them. The supervisor said he could go to jail for 28 days instead. He quickly changed his mind and took off his own white socks and put them on.
Derek was ordered to tuck his utility pants into the orange socks to make them more visible.
“This is ridiculous” he said.
“Would you prefer jail?” said the supervisor.
“You too Connor!” Said the supervisor.
Connor tucked his camo pants into the socks, the orange color defeated the purpose of the camouflage pattern.
Mike and I wore shorts, the orange socks where clearly visible on our feet.
“Why don’t we just wear orange jump suits with our shoes?” said Connor.
“You will be mostly unsupervised, therefore you may be tempted to remove any jump suits and leave town but removing the orange socks leaving you barefoot will hinder any escape, you’ll quickly be caught and sent straight to jail.” he said.
He also claimed the town had no funding for prison uniforms, the socks were donated and our own clothes would do for working. I was just pleased I hadn’t been arrested wearing my suit.
The supervisor took away our used socks. He ordered us back into the mini bus to start our first day of community service.

Chapter Four – Hard pill to swallow.

I was first out of the mini bus. With handcuffs removed I was given the task of sweeping the streets. If the ‘perp walk’ wasn’t humiliating enough, sweeping the streets shoeless was worse especially wearing the orange socks which showed everyone that I was a criminal and justice was being served. Last week I travelled the state selling medical products now I was sweeping the streets.
When I first seen those those guys in orange socks as I wore my suit and leather shoes I never thought they where being punished and I never expected to become one of them. It was a hard pill to swallow being publicly shamed and punished for something I hadn’t done.

I had been given a food voucher for the diner. Sally the waitress who had previously poured my coffee gave me bottled water and a sandwich. No friendly greeting or smile. I sat down to eat it.
“Take your food outside to eat” she barked.
We had started late so we finished late. The mini bus arrived and the supervisor handcuffed me for the ride back to the bunkhouse. Mike had spent the day cleaning windshields at the gas station, Connor had painted fences and Derek had installed power outlets in a garage, he was pissed.
“I should have done that work at the weekend and got paid” he said. Although none of us accepted our punishment we resigned ourselves to the fact that community service is unpaid work.
“It would be pointless trying to leave as there is nothing for miles around. You won’t get far without shoes.” said the supervisor as we were uncuffed outside the bunkhouse.

Chapter Five – The Contractors

As we entered the bunkhouse we discovered four men wearing nothing but towels around their waists.
“Take off your clothes boys, it’s shower time fun time!” said one of them.
We backed away nervously as the four undressed men began laughing.
“Gets the new guys everytime!” said a guy call Luke.
“We dig trenches and lay cables so our clothing gets very dirty. We strip off and use the bunkhouse laundry room every evening.” Said another called Gary.
“So you’re not doing community service?” said Mike.
Another guy Kevin said “Oh yes, our orange socks are in the laundry too!”.

As we all settled in for the night Luke further explained their situation.
“The project manager wanted to pay less than half of what we negotiated before we arrived. We refused and walked away. Having several hours to wait for a bus out of here we found a bar. Next thing we were all locked up for being drunk, Kevin doesn’t even drink. That was a month ago.”
“A month!” I said worryingly.
“We got a jail sentence then offered community service” said Freddie.
“We accepted only to discover our community service meant working for the same greedy project manager doing the same job for free!” said Luke.
“Tell me about it!” said Derek, still disgruntled at his unpaid electrical work.
“When we refused they took us back to see the judge, he gave us another three weeks community service or two months in jail. We want to beat the shit out of the project manager but we obey his every command just to get out of here,” said Freddie telling us tomorrow is their last day.
“How do you dig trenches without boots?” asked Connor.
“The project manager has our boots.” said Gary explaining they are given them to wear every morning.
Luke claimed the manager gets a kick out of confiscating their boots after work each day.
Kevin said when he got arrested they took his brand new Timberlands and he hasn’t seen them since, he now wears a pair of old boots used by the night watchman.
We explained our situation whilst eating. Kevin explained that many others had occupied the bunkhouse, all young guys just passing through. Trumped up charges to provide the town with free labor.
Without cellphones to call anyone or shoes to leave we weren’t going anywhere. He advised us to accept the situation, obey the rules and get the hell out of town when released.

Chapter Six – A familiar voice

I never expected to be one of those orange socked guys when I had sat in the diner drinking coffee in my suit and leather shoes. I had satisfied my curiosity the hard way. Will had been right to be cautious.
The contractors had their work jeans tucked into their socks just like Derek as we boarded the mini bus the next day.
Getting off at the diner I wished the four guys a safe journey and hoped to never see them again, in a nice way.
Sally constantly gave orders. I was no longer the guy in a suit giving good tips, I had now become her free worker.
It had been a long day when I heard a familiar voice.
“I’ve finally found you!”
I turned around to see Will smiling.
I wanted to get in his old battered Chevy and get out of town but he would be in more trouble helping me escape and he’d probably lose more than his favorite retro Nike high top sneaks he has on his feet.
“I’ve tried calling you but your cellphones not in service! Wanna tell me about the socks” he said curiously looking at my feet.
I couldn’t speak as Sally was watching us.
“Cat got your tongue boy” he said.
I wrote ‘leave town NOW’ on a paper napkin before giving it to him. He stared strangely at me. I was getting emotional I wanted to talk but couldn’t.
“Just go” I said as quietly as I could. He got up looking confused holding the napkin.
As Will left the diner wearing his favorite Nikes a familiar looking pair of brown colored All Stars entered on the feet of a college kid. He was accompanied by another wearing some gray Nikes.
“You there! Clear this shit up” he said snapping his fingers. He pushed a dirty spoon off the table. As I bent down to pick it up off the floor he stood on my hand. His All Stars had a black mark just like my confiscated sneaks.
I wanted to punch him but Sally came over.
“You’re some piece of work Scott, one day you’ll get what you rightly deserve” she said before telling him to leave.
He left smirking. “Ignore him, he thinks he’s clever because his Pa works at the jail” said Sally. I sensed she had a greater dislike for him than anyone wearing orange socks.
I was convinced he was wearing my sneakers.
The mini bus was waiting outside when the diner closed, the driver said we have two new guests in the bunkhouse. I feared that Will would be laying on a bunk wearing orange socks.

Chapter Seven – The Brits

I was relieved , not Will but two teenagers, they where confused, they were British. Vacationers from London.
“Yesterday we where on a bus heading west, we missed our connection and tried sleeping in a bus station. A policeman arrested us for nothing, took our trainers, mobiles and then our socks and now we have to work wearing these horrid orange things” said one called James.
“What the hell are trainers and mobiles?” said Connor complaining that James talked too much.
“Sneakers and cellphones” I explained.
The other Brit called John claimed James speaks a lot when he’s nervous.
“Well he had better learn to keep his mouth shut or he’ll be sleeping in that bunk till hell freezes over” said Connor. We laughed.
Connor said while he was cleaning the streets he found a thrift store, he was convinced his boots where on sale inside aswell as Kevin’s Timberlands. He had tried to enter the store but was not allowed, he was told ‘No shoes, no service’ especially to those wearing orange socks.
Next day we got the mini bus into town. Mike was unsurprised to find himself cleaning windshields again.
‘You need to stop bending over hoods shaking your ass at the cashier’ said Connor to Mike laughing.
The two Brits had to paint fences, Connor told them not to speak to anyone. Connor had yard work to do for the some old folks and Derek was in the Diner with Sally. I was back sweeping the street outside the courthouse.
I’d been to the diner with my food voucher, Derek gave a wink and a smile as he cleared tables with his pants tucked into his socks.
I walked back towards the courthouse slowly, although the orange socks where thick they were no substitute for shoes.

Chapter Eight – Not what I wanted

An hour later two pairs of shackled socked feet crossed the street. My heart sank upon realising the black Nike crew socks with a hole in the right foot belonged to Will. He looked tearful as he and a teenager were dragged into the courthouse.
Seeing my buddy upset me, if I hadn’t come on Saturday then he wouldn’t have come looking for me. It was my fault he was shackled and shoeless.
For the rest of the day I couldn’t stop thinking about him.
He and the new guy were in the bunkhouse when the rest of us returned. Will stood by a bunk in his white shorts and blue polo shirt, his black Nike crew socks had been replaced with the obligatory orange socks. I gave him a hug.
Somebody had reported him throwing away the paper napkin that I had given him, he got arrested for littering. Will was a good guy he had never stepped a foot out of line in his whole life and now he’d be stepping out shoeless.
The other guy was another Brit called Richard he had come looking for his friends, all he had done was step of the sidewalk into traffic and got arrested for jaywalking.
Both Will and Richard had come in search of their missing friends only to get snared in the same trap by the local law enforcers.

The next day Will had to sweep the streets as punishment for littering. The new Brit, Richard had to clean windshields at the gas station and the other two painted fences. Derek had more electrical work to do.
Connor, Mike, and myself were taken to see the cable laying project manager.
“The previous guys hadn’t quite finished before they left” he said taking some boots from his pick up and throwing them at our feet. He told us they had belonged to the previous workers.
As I tried on various boots for size I was puzzled, if they had belonged to Luke, Gary and Freddie what did they wear to leave town? Had they actually left town?
It felt good to have something on my feet other than just socks, even though somebody else’s sweaty feet had occupied them. We were tired as our day of digging trenches ended. Luke had been right with his assumption of the project manager, he took great pleasure in telling us to take off our boots.
He had a smug look on his face as we threw them in the back of his pickup leaving us standing once more in socked feet.
“Bet he sniffs them when he gets home” said Connor as we waited for the mini bus.

Chapter Nine – Where’s My Sneaks

On my last day I gave Will a hug, he still had several days to serve. I had done yard work all day before meeting the others outside the Jailhouse. Our supervisor took away our orange socks and gave us some advise.
“Don’t come back to town” he said.
Mike said he would rather walk barefoot over hot coals than return. We entered the building barefoot to collect our property. Phones, wallets etc returned. We all looked at our barefeet.
“Where’s my sneaks?” I asked
“Where’s my boots and socks” said Connor.
The jailer told us they had been donated to the thrift store.
“I did not give permission for my sneakers to be sold” I said.
“But you did” said the jailer reminding us of the paperwork we signed at the courthouse. You all agreed to donate your shoes. We would have taken your cellphones and vehicles too but nobody owns them anymore. Mike looked in his backpack that had been confiscated, his spare pair of Nikes were missing too.
The jailer said the shoe taking is symbolic, everyone is kicked out of town barefoot. The walk of shame.
“You had us locked up for a week doing labor for free! Was that not enough punishment?” said Mike angrily.
“You will do it again if you don’t calm down young man” replied the jailer.
We were all given a bus ticket. I said I needed my car.
“You leave on a bus like everyone else, you must do the walk of shame” he said telling me to make an appointment tomorrow to collect my car from the pound.
“So we all have to walk to the bus station in our barefeet, get a bus to god only knows where and still be shoeless” said Mike.
“Yep and don’t attempt to buy your shoes at the thrift store or enter any other premises barefoot as we operate a strict no shoes no service policy in this town unless you want to wear orange socks again” he said grinning.

Chapter Ten – The final Kick in the Teeth

We all walked barefoot towards the bus station and stopped at the thrift store window. Connor and Derek’s boots were displayed along with Mike’s black Vans and Nikes. I could see Wills high tops, he is going to be so disappointed at losing his favorite sneaks. I guessed the other sneakers belonged to the Brit guys, trainers, as they call them. The only thing missing where my tan colored Converse All Stars, I guessed who’s feet they were on.
The final kick in the teeth, everyone could see their sneakers and boots but they could not have them.
I said goodbye to my barefoot jail buddies, I was gonna miss them. I got off the bus at the town before my stop, I didn’t want another walk of shame in my home town. My feet were sore as I waited for Joel to come take me home.

Tomorrow I would collect my car and vowed never to step foot inside that town again!

A How To Guide

Author – Johnathon

(This is for entertainment only; I do not suggest or offer illegal activities)

You know it is not easy being me. I have to do whatever it takes to satisfy my interests. This is why when I see an opportunity to grab some hot guys worn kicks, I do not hesitate, at least not for long. It takes time to process all possible outcomes and procedures. Do I offer to buy them from him, or will he present an opportunity to steal them from him? This depends of course on ease of transfer of ownership to me and whether there exists an acceptable amount of risk. I found that there are many easy places to grab sneakers because it is a low priority on guys minds. I mean who would want to steal someone’s worn kicks? Someone with a fetish does not come to their mind and why should it, I must be the only guy into this in America after all otherwise I would already have that kinky boyfriend to share my experiences with. I digress so let’s talk about the easy ways to buy off guys and easy places to snatch off guys.


When you see a pair of sneakers you like, you have to quickly judge the situation, the size, the condition, possible price offers, responses to rejections and so much more. The situation can be easy or hard depending on where you are at. For example, if you see a guy entering a movie theater, it makes no sense to bother him but if he was leaving and heading to his car, that might present an opportune moment. If he is alone that will make things easier than if he was with friends and/ or a girlfriend. It is exciting and scary because the whole time you are debating whether to talk with him or not. Once you start talking you have to think with the brain in your head and not your other brain. Just be a sneakerhead interested in his kicks.
Hey, I like your Jordan’s, I saw them from afar (It helps to know the model). I really want that colorway but can not seem to find that anywhere. (If he starts telling you where to find them, stop him in his place). What size are those? Oh cool, those are my size. Look I know this may sound weird but if I offer you cash right now, would you sell those to me? (He might interject and say… what right off my feet? Just say yea, its not a problem). Normally they tend to ask… how much are you willing to pay? Look at them and judge condition and offer a price. If he hesitates or declines offer, ask how long he has had them and let him know that what you offered is a good price for them and if you must… offer a few bucks more. Depending on condition, age, etc. you can also mention that most likely he won’t make any money for them in the future as how often does someone come up inquiring to buy them. If he still declines, take out the money to show him and offer one final time. If still no, thank him and walk away. Strike one, two, three, and walk away on the fourth. That is how I got my latest Jordan One’s and an extra pair that he had which were the Nike Mid Blazers 77. He was a size 12 and those sneakers made him look extra hot. Now they are on my feet. 😊
I have bought sneakers off of guys from a SKA concert, my work, driving home from work on the street, a bar, and at stores. The cool thing about stores is that the guy is looking for new pairs of shoes and you want their old pairs. So, offer to give them money towards a new pair and it is a win-win situation. Sometimes the money you offer might cover the full cost of a new pair. Another thing I noticed was at Plato’s Closet. This is a store here in America. If you go before they open, they sometimes have a line of people waiting to sell their used clothes. We all know that they do not pay much money so if you see something you like, go for it. I saw this one guy waiting to sell his merchandize and he had around three bags on him with one of them being sneakers. There were converse, adidas, and others. I really regret not asking him more about them. I think I chickened out because there were about 5 families waiting to enter this particular store. So, as I said, opportunities exist everywhere.


There are many places to get some kicks off of guys and leave them stumped trying to figure out what happened to their former belongings. One place to give this a try is at bowling alleys. When it is crowded, dark, and busy, it is easy to just pick up a nice pair and leave quickly. There are of course cameras, so you do still have to be careful. Another great place is at a water park. I am still amazed how many people wear sneakers to these places and then leave them in shoe cubbies or under a lounge chair instead of a locker. I’ve seen many nice sneakers around the park, and I managed to grab a pair of Nikes. My story is on this site, so go check it out. Back in the day, front porches or just plainly in front of people’s doors they would place their sneakers and I have at least five pairs now in my possession obtained through snatch and grab. Unfortunately, people now have those door cameras and it makes it a bit tricky to do this now. One of my favorite places is at the gym. Not only do I get to see hot guys everywhere, but I also see them take their shoes off in the locker room. Sometimes they leave them right there in the middle of the locker room floor while they shower or go into the sauna and it is extremely tempting to just grab them and book it. I am still holding out for that day to find a pair that I know will fit me and that is the day I will take it home. I have plenty of stories to share… maybe I will find that dream guy to share them with…

I hope you enjoyed my little guide and until next time be safe and well…